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Training & coaching

Tennis Coaching 

  •  Privite session – 1 Player

  • Semi Privite Session – 2 Players

  • Group Sessoin – 3-5


  • Strength & Conditioning

  • Kinetic Chain & Stroke Mechanics

  • Speed & Agility

  • Balance & Flexibility  


  • Cardio Tennis 

  • Speci-Fit Tennis 

  • Sports Meditation & Stretching 


Coaching For All Levels


Beginners ages 5 & up

My goal is to introduce the game of tennis to all ages from beginners to intremediate players who are looking to learn and play tennis for health and wellness. I accept beginners of all ages starting at 5 years old. Health is wealth and tennis is a lifetime of activity. 

Tournament & Performance Coaching


Junior player is consistently playing local, regional, or national tournaments with goals to improve their overall game and performance when competing. Teaching advanced tactactics for hight performance players. Developing plans for on and off court  for progression of the athlete. Mentally, physically, techinacllly and tactically for performance in competition. 


Competive adult players that play local or national USTA, UTR or competive leauges looking to improve their tennis performance on court.   

Group Classes & Lesson

For those looking for either group lesson or taking advantage of the group classes. 

sport specific  

Persnal Training 

Speed & Agility

I train and write  strenght, conditioning, speed, and agility plans I specalize for performance athletes. I use proven systems to develop macro and micro cycles for ahtletes to follow as they progress in or out of season. As a Movement Coach I use use programs and systems to unlock the hidden potential of athletes through  Each program and physical development of competitive players

Strength & Conditioning 

 I developing Strenght & Cconditionin plans specalize for performance athletes. I use proven systems as a Certified Strenght & Conditioning Caoch to develop macro and micro cycles for ahtletes to follow as they progress in or out of season. As a Movement Coach I use use programs and systems to unlock the hidden potential of athletes through  Each program and physical development of competitive players 

athlestes  Pre-Hab & Mental coaching

I take a holistic approach to train and write strength, conditioning, speed, and agility plans I specialize in for performance athletes. I use proven systems to develop macro and micro cycles for athletes to follow as they progress in or out of season. As a Movement Coach, I use programs and systems to unlock the hidden potential of athletes through  Each program and physical development of competitive players. 

Train Online with Fit-CF!


Strenght & Conditioning 

College athletes

 I train and write  strenght, conditioning, speed, and agility plans I specalize for performance athletes. I use proven systems to develop macro and micro cycles for ahtletes to follow as they progress in or out of season. As a Movement Coach I use use programs and systems to unlock the hidden potential of athletes through  Each program and physical development of competitive players 

Performance Juniors

Junior player is consistently playing local, regional, or national tournaments with goals to improve their overall game and performance when competing. By developing plans for on and off court  for progression of the athlete. Mentally, physically, techinacllly and tactically for performance in competition. 

Written progression plans

Junior player is consistently playing local, regional, or national tournaments with goals to improve their overall game and performance when competing. By developing plans for on and off court  for progression of the athlete. Mentally, physically, techinacllly and tactically for performance in competition. 



Suhas Krishnan

